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  • +86-769-81898201
    • qq

    Quality Assurance


    PYW ELEC. has recognised the need for a total quality system which has been implemented throughout the business to satisfy it’s customer requirements competently.

     Our structured control system starts at the receipt of an enquiry, through quotation, design and manufacture to after-sales providing reliability of both product and customer service whilst fully discharging our responsibilities with respect to product liability.

     Every member of staff is committed to Quality. Quality is designed into our power supplies, they are controlled by appropriate and specific documentation, complied with by each Operator, monitored by control systems, reviewed by management and verified by final test.

    Our Test Department has a comprehensive range of test equipment and every power supply is 100% tested and soaked prior to delivery. We hold weekly Quality Meetings which are proactive and keep the whole company focus on quality improvement.

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